Take Part

Brown girl wearing headset listening to words

No matter how sophisticated our lab equipment and how talented our researchers, we can only do good research if we have access to quality data.

To sign up to receive invitations to our studies, please visit the following link:


What we do:

Each experiment is slightly different, but all of our research is centered on how language is processed in the brain. These are the methodologies we currently use:



1. Behavioural experiments

In these experiments, you will be presented with different stimuli (e.g. visual and/or audio through headphones) and will have to make a decision whether what you have just heard or seen is a real word or not. 

Blue Entrance Door to the Wellington Square 37


2. EEG experiments

There are various types of tasks in this category, but all are straightforward for the participant. The main difference between these and the behavioural experiments is, although you might be doing essentially the same task, you will be asked to wear an electrode cap and we will be measuring the electrical impulses on your scalp.

This is a great experience – we can show you your brainwaves – but these experiments usually take a little longer due to the preparation time. 

3. Eye tracking experiments

Typically in our eye-tracking experiments you will be asked to sit in front of a screen, keep your head still, and read words or sentences on the screen. The task is usually very simple but it's quite fun to do. You may be surprised how your eyes move around when reading! 


West side of the Wellington Square

4. Speech production experiments

We use these experiments to investigate the process of speech planning and they usually involve reading out words or sentences while being recorded.

All techniques used in the Language & Brain Lab are completely non-invasive and ethics approval is obtained for each of our experiments from the University's central ethics committee (CUREC).  

If you change your mind about participating, you can withdraw at any point in the process and we'll understand. Of course, when we publish the results of our experiments in academic journals or at conferences, the data will be completely anonymous so there will be no way that you can be identified. 

The Language & Brain Lab is conveniently located in central Oxford, with a wide range of restaurants, cafes, and interesting historical buildings nearby.

Participants will be given a convenient appointment time and should come into the Language & Brain Lab via our entrance in Wellington Square, Oxford.

Some basic criteria:

You must be over 18 (for ethical approval reasons).

If the task you are set involves seeing words, your eyesight must be normal or corrected-to-normal, and you may not be dyslexic or have any other reading difficulty. If the task involves hearing words, you should not have any hearing impairment.

If you are taking part in an EEG recording, you must be right-handed and not have any neurological conditions (e.g. epilepsy).

Language requirements vary depending on the experiment we're running – have a look under "Current Experiments" for a list of ongoing investigations.

What you get:

A unique insight into the cutting-edge research that is expanding our idea of how human cognition works, and a chance to take part directly in the progress of scientific inquiry.

A small monetary compensation for your time and expenses.