Conference talks and posters

Conferences and Workshops in 2024:

  • Zhang, Y. and Husband, E.M. (2024). Unpacking additivity biases reveal the class of sampling algorithm for word predictability. Talk given at the 37th annual conference on Human Sentence Processing, Ann Arbor, MI. 

  • Patson, N. and Husband, E.M. (2024). Implicit scalar alternatives are recognized over intermediate durations but not long-term. Poster presented at the 37th annual conference on Human Sentence Processing, Ann Arbor, MI. 

  • Fan, Y. and Husband, E.M. (2024). Illicit syntactic representations in garden-path reanalysis: New evidence from reflexives. Poster presented at the 37th annual conference on Human Sentence Processing, Ann Arbor, MI.  

  • Yao, R. and Husband, E.M. (2024). Implicit questions-under-discussion raise expectations only in at-issue main clauses. Poster presented at the 37th annual conference on Human Sentence Processing, Ann Arbor, MI.  

  • Hlachova, B. and Husband, E.M. (2024). Recovery from prediction failure... or not. Poster presented at the 6th California Meeting for Psycholinguistics, Stanford, CA.  



Conferences and Workshops in 2023:

  • Wynne, H. (2023). Compound Planning, Production and Processing. Invited talk given to students at the Oldenburg School of Linguistics and Cultural Studies at Carl von Ossietzky Universität, Germany, June 17, 2023. 

  • Wynne, H. (2023). Methods in Language Production Research. Workshop given at the Faculty of Linguistics Lab Skills Seminars, University of Oxford.

  • Wynne, H. (2023) Psycholinguistic Secrets: The Mysterious Workings of Words and the Mind. Podcast with Audemic, Inc.

  • Fan, Y. and Husband, E.M. (2023). Memory retrieval and illusion of grammaticality in garden-path reanalysis. Talk given at the 29th annual Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing Conference, San Sebastian, Spain. 

  • Yao, R., Sasaki, K., Altshuler, D. and Husband, E.M. (2023). Topichood and temporal interpretation of DPs guide clause-internal, causal coherence. Poster presented at the 28th annual Sinn und Bedeutung Conference, Bochum, Germany and the 10th biannual XPrag Conference, Paris, France. 

  • Huang, Z. and Husband, E.M. (2023). Negative islands do not block active gap filling. Poster presented at the 29th annual Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing Conference, San Sebastian, Spain. 

  • Yao, R., Sasaki, K., Altshuler, D. and Husband, E.M. (2023). Asymmetric processing effects of intra-sentential explanation coherence. Poster presented at the 29th annual Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing Conference, San Sebastian, Spain. 

  • Fan, Y. and Husband, E.M. (2023). Illusions of garden-path recovery are temporary. Poster presented at the 29th annual Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing Conference, San Sebastian, Spain. 

  • Yao, R., Sasaki, K., Altshuler, D. and Husband, E.M. (2023). Explanation coherence inside sentences, but only offline. Poster given at the 36th Human Sentence Processing Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. 




  • Wynne, H. (2022). Psycholinguistic evidence for phonological grouping in language production. Talk given at the Faculty of Linguistics General Seminars, University of Oxford. 

  • Wynne, H. (2022). Language and Society: Exploring Linguistic Variation and Change in our Modern World. Lecture given for Oxford Prospects Programme.

  • Husband, E.M. (2022). Notes on kinds and objects, individuals and events. Talk given at the Oxford Syntax-Semantics Workshop, Oxford, UK. 

  • Huang, Z. and Husband, E.M. (2022). Negative islands do not block active gap filling. Talk given at the 2nd Experiments in Linguistic Meaning Conference, Philadelphia, PA. 

  • Husband, E.M. (2022). On the syntax of generics and the absence of generic articles. Talk given at the Linguistic Society of America Conference, Washington, DC. 

  • Huang, Z. and Husband, E.M. (2022). Negative islands do not block active gap filling. Short talk given at the 35th CUNY Human Sentence Processing Conference, Santa Cruz, CA. 

  • Fan, Y. and Husband, E.M. (2022). Memory retrieval and illusions of recovery in garden-path reanalysis. Short talk given at the 35th CUNY Human Sentence Processing Conference, Santa Cruz, CA. 



As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, the majority of conferences were held online during the period 2020-2021, so please also review our downloadable posters.

Wynne, H. Asymmetries in Affixation: Morphology Attaches, Phonology Binds. Talk given at the Surrey Linguistics Circle, 26 October 2021.

Wynne, H. Linguistic Patterns of Failed Communications in Non-Routine Aviation Situations. Talk accepted at Brno Conference on Linguistics Studies in English. Sept 16-17, 2021.

Fritz I., Lahiri, A., Kotzor, S. The Role of Lexical Stress Differences in Learner Word Recognition. 27th AMLaP Conference, Paris, held online September 2021. (Remote oral presentation) Link:

Wynne, H.  Language production experiments: from design to analysis. Two-day masterclass taught to graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in the Faculty of Linguistics, OxfordJune 22-23, 2021.



Cappellaro, C., Kotzor, S., Lahiri, A. Invited talk. Effects of knowledge of French on the visual recognition of Romance loanwords in English: behavioural evidence. Romance Linguistics Seminar, University of Oxford, 28 February 2019. (Oral presentation)

Fuellenbach, K. & Gelman, S. A. The Definite Singular typically receives a generic interpretation in Novel Concept Acquisition. International Convention of Psychological Science, Paris, France, March 7th-9th 2019. (Poster presentation)

Fuellenbach, K. & Gelman, S. A. Acquiring a (non-)generic interpretation for definite singular subjects. ConSOLE XVII. Berlin, Germany, February 21st-23rd 2019. (Oral presentation)

Kim, Y. and Kotzor, S. Investigating the "hidden" effects of Hanja script on Korean processing. 12th International Workshop for the Association for Written Language and Literacy, Cambridge, UK, March 26th-28th 2019. (Poster presentation)



Kwapiszewski, A. & Fuellenbach, K. Definite Kinds in Polish. Formal Description of Slavic Languages: Workshop on the Semantic of Noun Phrases, Universität Göttingen, Germany, December 5th-7th 2018. (Oral presentation)

Wynne, H., Wheeldon, L., Lahiri, A. The preparation of complex prosodic frames by L2 English speakers. PROSLANG: Workshop on the Processing of Prosody Across Languages and Varieties, (a satellite event of the 17th Speech Science and Technology Conference), Wellington, New Zealand, Nov 29th 2018. (Oral presentation)

Fuellenbach, K. Processing Language in the Brain. Pathways Outreach Programme (Year 11) event, Magdalen College, Oxford, UK, Nov 2018. (Oral presentation)

Kotzor, S., Invited talk. Native, learned, attrited: which factors determine processing of complex words? School of Education Seminar, Oxford Brookes University, 2nd May 2018. (Oral presentation)

Schuster, S., Scharinger, M., Brooks, C., Lahiri A. & Hartwigsen, G. The neural correlates of morphological structure detection in complex pseudowords. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Singapore, June 17th-21st 2018. (Poster presentation)

Schuster, S. & Lahiri, A. Morphological decomposition: All at once or step by step? 40th Annual Meeting of the German Linguistics Society, Stuttgart, Germany, March 7th-9th 2018. (Oral presentation)

Wynne, H., Kotzor, S., Zhou, B., Schuster, S., & Lahiri, A. Asymmetries in the Processing of Prefixed and Suffixed Words in Bengali. 11th Int. Conf. on the Mental Lexicon (2018), Edmonton, Canada, September 25th-28th. (Poster presentation)

Wynne, H., Lahiri, A. What Makes a Compound a Compound? Evidence from Connected Speech. 11th Int. Conf. on the Mental Lexicon (2018), Edmonton, Canada, September 25th-28th. (Poster presentation)

Wynne, H. Greenhouses and green houses: using compounds to investigate phonological encoding in native and non-native English speakers. International Congress of Linguists, Capetown, South Africa, July 8th 2018. (Poster presentation)

Wynne, H., Wheeldon, L., Lahiri, A. Compounds and phrases in speech production: The learnability of complex structures by L2 English speakers. International Morphology Meeting (IMM18) workshop, Budapest, May 9th 2018. (Oral presentation)



Werkmann Horvat, A. (2017). Modal force and flavour as semantic restrictors of possible double modal combinations in Croatian. Conference: 39th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (Workshop: "Towards an ontology of modal flavours") in Saarbrücken, Germany.

Arora, V.A., Lahiri, A., Reetz, H. (2017). Phonological feature based mispronunciation detection and diagnosis using multi-task DNNs and active learning. Interspeech, 2017. (Poster presentation)

Schuster, S., Scharinger, M., Brooks, C., Lahiri A., & Hartwigsen, G. The neural correlates of morphological structure detection in complex pseudowords. fMRI and Language Processing Workshop, Dec 14th 2017, Reading, UK. (Oral presentation)

Schuster, S. & Lahiri, A. Derivational depth and the role of the lexicon in morphological decomposition. 10th International Morphological Processing Conference, June 22nd-24th 2017, Trieste, Italy. (Poster presentation)

Schuster, S. & Lahiri, A. Morphological decomposition through lexical gaps: Tapping into morphological rules in visual word recognition. Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, June 22nd-25th 2017, Nicosia, Cyprus. (Oral presentation)

Wynne, H. S. Z., & Schuster, S. Linear mixed effect modelling: maximal or optimal? Statistical Standards for Scientific Discovery in Linguistics workshop, Oct 6th 2017, Zurich, Switzerland. (Oral presentation)

Zhang, C. Perception of Interrogative Tunes in Tianjin Mandarin. LAGB 2017, 4th-7th September 2017. University of Kent, UK. (Oral presentation)

Zhang, C. Identifying Interrogative Tunes in Tianjin Mandarin. Processing Prosody Across Languages, Varieties, And Nativeness: An international SpeechNet BaWü Workshop, 31st August–1st September 2017. University of Tubingen, Germany. (Oral presentation)

Zhang, C. Tianjin Mandarin tunes: Production and perception data. Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2017, 12th-14th June 2017. Cologne, Germany. (Poster presentation)



Arora, V.A., Lahiri, A., Reetz, H. Automatic detection of phonological features from a speech signal. IEEE Workshop on machine learning for signal processing. Salerno, Italy, September 13th-16th 2016.

Werkmann Horvat, A. On Deontic Modality and Authority in Croatian: A Judge Parameter Analysis. 12th International Conference on Actionality, Tense, Aspect, Modality/ Evidentiality, Université Caen Normandie, Caen. (Oral presentation)

Zhang, C. Tones and Tunes in Tianjin Mandarin: Statement and Intonational Yes-No Questions. Aix Summer School on Prosody 2016, 6th-9th September 2016. Aix-Marseille Université, France. (Poster presentation)

Zhang, C. Tones and Tunes in Tianjin Mandarin. LAGB 2016 (Linguistics Association of Great Britain Annual Meeting 2016), 6th-9th September 2016. University of York, UK. (Oral presentation)

Zhang, C. Tones and Tunes in Tianjin Mandarin. TIE7 (Tones and Intonation in Europe 2016), 1st-3rd September 2016. University of Kent, UK. (Oral presentation)

Kennard, H. J. Cross generational differences in Breton word stress. 9th Celtic Linguistics Conference. Cardiff University, 1st-2nd September 2016.

Arora, V., Lahiri, A., Reetz, H. Phonological Features for Automatic Speech Recognition. UK Speech Meeting, Sheffield, June 2016. (Poster presentation)

Arora, V., Lahiri, A., Reetz, H. Phonological Model for Automatic Recognition of Continuous Speech. Workshop on Auditory Neuroscience, Cognition and Modelling. Queen Mary University, London, February 2016.

Schuster, S. & Lahiri, A. Deep Morphology: Processing of German complex nouns. 10th International Mental Lexicon Conference, October 19th-21st 2016, University of Ottawa, Canada. (Oral presentation)

Schuster, S. & Lahiri, A. Hidden Morphology: Decomposition and Processing of German complex nouns. Annual Meeting of the 52nd Chicago Linguistics Society, April 21st-23rd 2016, Chicago, USA. (Oral presentation)

Schuster, S. & Lahiri, A. Hidden Morphology: Decomposition and Processing of German complex nouns. Berkeley Germanic Linguistics Roundtable, April 1st-2nd 2016. (Oral presentation)

Zhou, B., Alter, K., Kotzor, S. & Lahiri, A. Mandarin Tonal Asymmetries in Perception. 7th Tone and Intonation Europe 2016, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK. (Oral presentation)

Kotzor, S., Zhou, B., Alter, K. & Lahiri, A. Place and height mismatch in vowels: MMN evidence. 8th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, London, UK. (Poster presentation)

Kotzor, S., Zhou, B., Alter, K. & Lahiri, A. Place and height mismatch in vowels: MMN evidence. 10th Mental Lexicon Conference, University of Ottawa, Canada. (Poster presentation)



Kennard, H. J. & A. Lahiri. Nonesuch contrasts via loanwords. 2nd Edinburgh Symposium on Historical Phonology 2015, Edinburgh, 3rd-4th December. (Poster presentation)

Arora, V., Lahiri, A., Reetz, H. Phonological Features for Digit Recognition. Acoustical Society of America (ASA) meeting, Jacksonville, November 2015. (Poster presentation)

Kennard, Holly J. and Lahiri, Aditi. Maintenance of the Breton mixed mutation. 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2015, Glasgow, 10th-14th August 2015. (Poster presentation)

Kennard, Holly J. Impersonal verbs across two generations of Breton speakers. XV International Congress of Celtic Studies. University of Glasgow, 13th-17th July 2015.

Kotzor, S., A.C. Roberts, A. Wetterlin & A. Lahiri. Perception and representation of Bengali nasal vowels. 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2015, Glasgow, 10th-14th August.

Schuster, S. & Lahiri, A. Decomposition and processing of highly complex forms: A case study of German nouns. 9th International Morphological Processing Conference, June 18th-20th 2015, Potsdam, Germany. (Poster presentation)

Werkmann-Horvat, A., Gagliardi, A., and Husband, E.M. Indexicals in shifty contexts: Problems for language acquisition. Proceedings of the 40th Boston University Conference on Language Development, 2015. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.



Kotzor, S., A. C. Roberts, A. Wetterlin, & A. Lahiri. Pre-attentive processing of duration contrasts: an MMN study. Society for the Neurobiology of Language 2014, Amsterdam, August 27th-29th.

Roberts, A. C., S. Kotzor, A. Wetterlin, & A. Lahiri. Cross-linguistic differences in automatic perception of allophonic vowel duration. Society for the Neurobiology of Language 2014, Amsterdam, August 27th-29th.

Wetterlin, A., A. C. Roberts, S. Kotzor, J. Koreman, & A. Lahiri. Asymmetric processing of word accent in Norwegian. Society for the Neurobiology of Language 2014, Amsterdam, August 27th-29th.

Roberts, A. C., S. Kotzor, A. Wetterlin & A. Lahiri. Neurolinguistic evidence for asymmetric processing of consonant duration. Laboratory Phonology, NINJAL, Tokyo, July 25th-27th.

Roberts, P. J. The curious incident of the Latin laterals. ABC↔︎C, the Conference on Agreement by Correspondence. Berkeley, May 18th-19th.

Lahiri, A. & A. Wetterlin. Sound change and the development of word accents in North Germanic. Berkeley Germanic Linguistics Round Table, Berkeley, April 4th-5th.



Kotzor, S., A. Wetterlin, A. C. Roberts & A. Lahiri. Processing consonant length in Bengali: behavioural and ERP evidence. Linguistics Association of Great Britain Annual Conference, SOAS, London, August 28th-31st.

Lahiri, A. Predicting universal phonological contrasts in FUL. Workshop on Phonological Typology, Oxford, August 11th-13th.

Wetterlin, A. & A. Lahiri. The diachronic development of stød & tonal accent in North Germanic. International Congress of Historical Linguistics ICHL 21, Oslo, August 5th-10th.

Lahiri, A. S. Parkinson, B. Ray Choudhury. Disparity in loanword adaptation: Portuguese and English loans in Bengali. International Congress of Historical Linguistics ICHL 21, Oslo, August 5th-10th.

Lahiri, A. Discreteness and asymmetry in phonological representations: features and quantity contrasts in the mental lexicon. Conference on Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia (PAPI), Lisbon, June 25th-26th.

Lahiri, A. WORDS: asymmetries in representation, processing and change. Invited Talk, Frei Universität Berlin, Berlin, May 28th.

Roberts, P. J. & H. Reetz. Speech recognition informed by distinctive feature theory: the Featurally Underspecified Lexicon model and its implications. 21st Manchester Phonology Meeting, May 23th-25th. 

Roberts, A. C., S. Kotzor, A. Wetterlin & A. Lahiri. Processing consonant length in Bengali: behavioural and ERP evidence. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, April 13th-16th.

Lahiri, A. & A. Wetterlin. Diachronic and synchronic prosodic patterns in North Germanic. Second International Workshop on Tone and Intonation, University of Hyderabad, India. Invited Talk. February 21st-22nd.

Kotzor, S., A. Wetterlin, A. C. Roberts & A. Lahiri. Processing consonant length in Bengali: behavioural and ERP evidence. ICPP 2013, NINJAL, Tokyo, January 25th-27th.

Roberts, P. J., H. Reetz & A. Lahiri. Speech recognition informed by distinctive feature theory: the Featurally Underspecified Lexicon model and its implications. CUNY Conference on the Feature in Phonology, January 16th-18th

Lahiri, A. & P. J. Roberts. Distinctive features in language production and perception. CUNY Conference on the Feature in Phonology, City University of New York, January 16th-18th.

Roberts, P. J., H. Reetz & A. Lahiri. Speech recognition informed by distinctive feature theory: the Featurally Underspecified Lexicon model and its implications. Annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Boston, Mass., January 3rd-6th.



Wetterlin, A., S. Kotzor & A. C. Roberts & A. Lahiri. Behavioural and ERP evidence for the processing of duration contrasts. Invited talk at Speech Lunch, University of Oxford, November 23rd.

Wetterlin, A. & S. Kotzor. WORDS: Asymmetry, change and processing in phonological mental representation. Invited talk at NTNU Trondheim, Norway, November 15th

Kotzor, S., A. Wetterlin, A. C. Roberts & A. Lahiri. Processing consonant length in Bengali: behavioural and ERP evidence. 8th Mental Lexicon Conference, McGill, Montreal, October 24th-26th.

Roberts, P. J. & H. Reetz. Speech recognition informed by distinctive feature theory: the Featurally Underspecified Lexicon model and its implications. Annual meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Kansas City, October 22nd-26th.

Lahiri, A. Discreteness and asymmetry in phonological representations of words. Special session on The nature of lexical representations in the perception and production of speech. Acoustical Society of America, Kansas City, October 22nd-26th.

Kotzor, S. & A. C. Roberts, A. Wetterlin, & A. Lahiri. Processing and perception: geminates in Bengali. Workshop on Categories and Gradience: Neural Systems for Speech Communication. University of Cambridge, June 26th.

Lahiri, A. Features and segments in phonological representations. Invited talk: Workshop on Categories and Gradience: Neural Systems for Speech Communication. University of Cambridge, June 26th.

Lahiri, A. & A. Wetterlin. Quantity, weight and stød contrasts in Danish. MfM (Manchester Phonology Meeting) 20, May 24th-27th.