I am a Postdoctoral Researcher working on the MORPHON project in the Language and Brain Laboratory here at Oxford.
Within the project, I am responsible for research work on English and German as well as the design, execution and analysis of neurolinguistic and behavioural experiments.
In addition to the main morphophonological research on the MORPHON grant, I am currently investigating the effect of language attrition and language dominance on morphological processing and on second-language processing.
I am also a Senior Lecturer in English Linguistics and Applied Linguistics at Oxford Brookes University where I teach on the BA in English Language and Linguistics and the MA TESOL course. In addition, at Oxford University, I am a Stipendary Lecturer in Linguistics at St. Peter's College and Hertford College for their Modern Languages and Linguistics students.
Current research areas:
- Morphological and phonological processing
- Language dominance in adult bilingualism, first language attrition and second language acquisition
- Application of psycholinguistic findings to second language learning and teaching
Current grants:
Oct 2019 - Sep 2022: Co-Investigator on UKRI project Journey of words: Manuscript to Mind
Selected presentations and publications:
Kotzor, S. (2021). Antonyms in Mind and Brain. Evidence from English and German. Published by Routledge, 8th October 2021. 202 pages. ISBN: 9780367461126
Kotzor, S., Zhou, B., Lahiri, A. (2020) (A)symmetry in vowel features in verbs and pseudoverbs: ERP evidence. Neuropsychologia 143, 107474. Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2020.107474
Cappellaro, C., Kotzor, S., Lahiri, A. Invited talk. Effects of knowledge of French on the visual recognition of Romance loanwords in English: behavioural evidence. Romance Linguistics Seminar, University of Oxford, 28 February 2019. (Oral presentation)
Kotzor, S., Invited talk. Native, learned, attrited: which factors determine processing of complex words? School of Education Seminar, Oxford Brookes University, 2nd May 2018. (Oral presentation)
Lahiri, A. & Kotzor, S. (eds) (2017). The Speech Processing Lexicon: Neurocognitive and behavioural approaches. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
Kotzor, S., Molineaux, B.J., Banks, E. & Lahiri, A. (2016). ‘Fake’ gemination in suffixed words and compounds in English and German. Journal of the Acoustic Society of America 140(1), 1-12. Kotzor, S., Roberts, A.C., Wetterlin, A., & Lahiri, A. (2015). Perception and representation of Bengali nasal vowels. Proceedings of ICPhS 2015. Roberts, A. C., Kotzor, S., Wetterlin, A., & Lahiri, A. (2014). Asymmetric processing of durational differences – electrophysiological investigations in Bengali. Neuropsychologia 58, 88-98.