I am now a Lecturer in Psychology in the School of Psychology at the University of East Anglia.
Before this, I worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher on the WORDS project based at the Language & Brain Laboratory. Within the project my work addressed lexical pitch accent in Swedish.
I also worked on the representation of sounds in the developing lexicon, and conducted eye-tracking studies with adults at the Language & Brain Lab and with infants at the Oxford BabyLab.
My other area of research, whilst based at the Oxford BabyLab, explored the interaction of word learning and category learning in infancy. This work involved eye-tracking as well as computational modelling.
I held the Winkler Career Development Fellowship at St. Hugh's College, University of Oxford.
Research interests: cognitive and language development, phonological representations, categorisation and similarity, interactions between language and cognition, computational modelling, eye tracking.